I just got done taking part in a Google Hangout with several people on Google+. the topic was HR511, after it was over I sat here at my desk for a moment and thought a lot, yes in a few minutes I thought a lot lol. This whole “Python ban” thing is the craziest thing I have ever witness I mean YES we are looking a monster in the eyes but we are doing so with rocket launchers from 500 yards, we can beat it, we can beat it so easy but first we must come together. I don’t care how much money USARK tosses at it or how much expert testimony they give we are fighting a losing battle until we can stand up as a group and make a difference. I know I have said all of this a thousand times before but I am just at my wits end, is this how it is going to be until this hobby is dwindled down to nothing, nothing more than stories to tell the grandchildren like old bootleggers? I don’t want that, I don’t want it at all. I am not happy with everything that USARK does but at this point they are ALL we have and unless someone can get up right now and do better right now please stand or swallow your pride and help us take back something before all is lost, stand next to us not behind or in front of us. Some of us have a lot more to loose than others but we ALL do have something to loose so we need to come together as one organized unit and take care of business, we need to be vocal, educational, respectful and do the future generations of this hobby proud.