Look at the above image. Do you know what that is? That my friends is a leaking pipe. I can remember when this was one of the big concerns. Before the winter cold set in there was always a mad rush to get to the home improvement store and get foam and tape to wrap the pipes. Some people even kept an inventory of it just to have in case.
Well, the world my friends has changed so drastically in the last ten years alone, sometimes so fast that we don’t even notice it. We stay so caught up in our busy life that life it’s self flies right by not even taking the time to say hi.
Not only do we have worldwide unrest now with violence going on in nearly every country in the world in the name of peace but we also have the shock from an economic down turn of the likes a lot of people have never seen but only heard about. Even if we do pay attention to what is going on in the Middle East or the Kardashians we seem to forget what our neighbors are going through. It seems all to easy to misunderstand everyone’s motives or reasoning, we lash out at fellow people because of how they live or what the believe. I can still remember, not long ago I myself was in a situation where I was extremely annoyed with someone, I was close to that point of no return where something was going to be said and feelings were going to be hurt. What did I do you may ask? I took a breath and sat back and thought.
“I know this person by name, maybe a little more than just by name but how much do I really know this person?”
I ended up letting the issue drop of my shoulders, The point is every one of us “well most of us” myself included go through things at times that we keep close to our heart and deal with in our own way. I mean when you really think about it, Bob could be in a bad mood at work because he lost his mother last night, Amy could seem a little on edge because she was up all night in the hospital after her child’s Chemo treatment.
The moral of this story is to always keep in mind something we seem all to often to forget. We generally have no idea what situation others are in at any given time. Every single person deserves an unearned amount of respect and understanding. If we can all learn to love our neighbors for who they are and not what they do this world would be a much better place for our children.