Gregory and girlfriend Leigha Poulson are a little anoyed now after the results of an investigation be the Florid Fish and Wildlife
Comission came their way that it was highly unlikely. The pair says they were enjoying a calm night kayaking on bayside waters off
mile marker 106 when something capsized their kayak, they received medical treatment for scratches and apparent bite wounds, all of
which considered minor. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commissions findings state that the bite marks and scratches were not
consistent with a Crocodile, they noted the pattern in the reported bite mark were not that of a Crocodiles tooth paten nor were the
scratches. They do state that it is possible a fleeing Crocodile or Alligator DID capsize the Kayak while trying to flee but the argument
is whether or not there was an actual attack on the people in the kayak but no animal was reported seen. American crocodile experts
did say that the population in that area is growing but they also noted that American Crocodiles are considered fall less aggressive
than other Crocodiles as well as Alligators. The victims did not notice the wounds until they reached the shore line. Gregory however
is convinced that a large reptile.