So I have had some time to do some thinking today and I think I need to spend a wee bit more time off line than I normally do. I decided to change what I do on a daily basis to give more time to build business and get stuff done. I am still of course going to keep up the show schedule so no worries there but I think I will pick one time per day, probably in the afternoon to answer emails, comments, FB exc exc. That should free up an unbelievable amount of time. If anyone needs to get a hold of me for an important reason most people know how to do that. It is my goal that doing this will help make DRN better faster but unfortunately at the risk of not being as “available” as most everyone is so use to me being. Every comment, question, post exc exc will still be answered just not as fast as normal. I think I will start doing this today and see how it works over the weekend.