Do you know why you are here? Not here meaning home or at work but why are you reading a blog post within the reptile community? Why do you have an undieing passion for the topic? I remember as a child watching the Fence Lizards scurry about. I remember catching them, I remember falling in love with everything with scales. I remember the way we use to do it and then I fast forward to now and times have changed my friends. There is so much that goes on around our community that at one time was very unacceptable. I make myself sound old but back in those days we did NOT rape the wild, we did NOT chase the all mighty dollar, We didn’t care what the next thing was we just greatly enjoyed hanging out with our friends and doing anything reptile. My love for native reptiles turned into a love for exotic reptile which turned into a business. Let me tell you from someone who has been there. The business of breeding reptiles destroyed my love for them. So much so that after only a couple of short years I sold the business and got out of the hobby all together. I didn’t last long before refinding my passion for reptiles, always being in a business frame of mind it didn’t take long to start thinking about working with reptiles at a business capacity again. Now do I breed snakes? Yes I do but not for a business venture. Now my business is to educate and inform and thus far I love every minute of it. The tides are slowly starting to change within the community. More and more people are starting to take notice that we need to stand up as a community and be the change rather than sit and wait for it. DRN has been taking the bull by the horns and I have been caught up in daily meetings for 14 days strait with some of the communities top names discussing just that. It sounds a big rude but honestly we need to get rid of some of the scum that has surfaced in our hobby, get the fun back. Business is a great way for people to take part in there love but all to manly of them have learned to love the money and not the animals. I am super excited to be working with some of these people in trying to effect a change in the community. We are not going to sleep until the reptile hobby is once again fun and we can show the regulators and the public at large that we can responsibly watch over ourselves and everyone need not worry. It is with this that I am very happy to announce that DRN has been working closely with John F Taylor on producing a live show. This show is still very much in it infancy but will premier within the next month. It will be one hour every Saturday morning and feature education as well as guests from around the world who also share our love to educate, promote and be the change that this hobby so desperately needs. Keep a very close eye out as further details on time and location where the show can be viewed will be made public very soon.