Well I didn’t actually get the news today, it started Friday but took me until today to get everything together and get the numbers worked out. The good news is that at least for now everything is going to be ok. I have a plan for the show, a new schedule worked out that I think will work a lot better for everyone ad that is to do the show only once per week on the key stories of that week. Right now I am thinking it will be every Friday evening that it will be public.
Some day if demand picks up we may go back to more than once per week but for now that’s what it is. Some other good news for you “maybe or maybe not” is that I am sure you have noticed the past few days I have posted excerpts of articles then links to the originals. That will change starting tomorrow, I have been very busy and just have not had the time to type them out each day. I am going to attempt to keep this schedule up but it takes everyone, spread the word, tell everyone you know, show some love and support.