Well it started out being lazy but got busy very fast. After cleaning up the office a bit the kids seemed to all get started at the same time. Half the day was spent cleaning up the house and feeding three hungry kids. The other half has been spent doing a lot of thinking. I cant help but to want to take some more time off, more than just a week. There are so many things I have gotten done in the past two days its amazing, the best of which though is mental healing, just trying to relax and get my mind focused again and that’s been awesome but now with my mind focusing it makes me feel like taking more time off to consider the future of DRN. Its so easy to get caught up in the day to day stuff that you miss a lot of the big picture, I have been able to ask myself questions like why did I start this? Where did I want or expect it to go? Have I held true to myself and the plan? I was kind of surprised in some of the answers to those. I know I should probably be nice and tell the answers now but I will not, I will save those for when everything is laid out there. I think all in all DRN will always be a part of the reptile world but to what extent has not been decided yet. I think the daily videos will probably be decreasing if not stopping all together.
I think the easiest way to put it is that its been a business venture but I am thinking there is not a market for what it has become. Because there is no market for it the revenue has been very small and sporadic at best. That being said it may just be time to move on to the next idea and kick DRN back down to the hobby level that it was nearly a year ago. Its a very tough call because not only the following and work that has been involved to obtain it but because I am so scared to let people down. Because of this I continue to push on from the fear of letting people down even though I dont feel the same about what I am doing. Even that being said I find myself being more and more NOT myself as time moves on and I think that has been a very unhealthy thing. There was once a time when I did not hesitate to tell someone what I thought or how I felt about them but I fond myself not doing that now in fear of making a community I love revolt agents me and everything I have or ever will do. I feel that a good share of the friends I have made during this adventure would have nothing to do with me IF they knew the REAL me. I guess that about all I had to say. I am going to continue my vacation and continue my thinking for what direction I will go on the 3rd when I come back. I am only going to log on long enough to post the blog entry then wont be back on the DRN facebook account until vacation is over so any comments, concerns or questions are probably best left in reply here on the new blog I set up on the DRN website. No matter what direction I go I will never forget the ride nor will I forget the friends I have made along the way. I hope everyone has a super awesome new years.