Charlene the Crocodile first came home after her mother was shot in 1963. John Casey who has cared for the Crocodile for the past ten years while his father was ill and recently passed away is trying to get the permits transferred into his name but apparently is running into some red take with the regulators. While Mr Casey has received a temporary 12 month permit the government is requesting further training and fail safes before granting any permanent permits which Mr Casey is calling unnecessary. They are asking that he erect a fence around the Crocodiles enclosure, get a letter from a Zoo stating they will help with handling if necessary as well as Mr Casey complete a formal handling course. Mr Casey believes these requirements are not necessary because of his long standing care of the Crocodile. Apparently safe for the time his father lost his hand to the animal they claim its a fairly gentle reptile.
I have to be honest and think realistically about the requirements here for a minute. I personal dont see a problem with them. We all see and feel the current regulation that we are facing here in America and while I agree someone with the proper facility and training and ability should be able to maintain an apex predator I would want to know if a neighbor had one they were at least trained in how to handle it and had help if necessary. A fence to keep it in would be a nice plus as well.