Apparently Nebraska may adopt statewide restrictions on exotic animals including reptiles. Nebraska is one of the few states where reptile keeping is not restricted but Sen Abby Cornett of Bellevue introduced LB 64 After a man was killed by his 9′ Boa last year. The new law would “proposal would restrict pet snake length statewide to 8 feet and prohibit owning venomous snakes. The bill would require that any Nebraskan seeking to own a wild animal first must obtain a permit and $250,000 in exotic animal liability insurance, which may have to be obtained from an insurer other than the person’s homeowner’s insurance provider.” If you keep a native pet snake you will be required to have a warning sign on your property letting the public know a “dangerous animal” lives there. Current owners will be exempt from the rules until they get a new pet/. “The bill doesn’t stop people from having snakes in their home, and that’s where there have been problems,” Ferraro said. “They are not a companion pet, but if the person learns about the animal, they could contribute to conservation.”