Category Archives: Blog
Stripe the magnificent
I got the urge today to take out a snake and just film it and talk about it so after looking them all over I decide the Boas and Pythons get a ton of camera time. The big Corn Snakes are turning aggressive from not being held much and the little Gopher Snakes have always been aggressive. I decided on my little stripe. He is my only hold back from my only clutch of eggs that went devastatingly wrong in 2011. I call him a he but truth be told I have no idea at this point if it’s a boy or girl, honestly I don’t care I just love him. Below is the video talking about him and explaining what went wrong with the clutch of eggs that contained his brothers and sisters.
Ribit ribit
Frog Calls
I wanted to record some Frog calls. I had no idea how difficult it would be to get said calls with all the background noise that people create. For sure I will be doing this again but in a much more controlled environment away from other human noises. These calls were taken on my property in Ione, Ca After my short intro turn the volume all the way up to hear the frogs.
Everything reptile in one place.
For 2 years now I have maintained a vlog channel separate from my news channel on YouTube. Most of the time anything that is not news related goes on the vlog channel. This is something that I am changing. From now on I will be posting ALL reptile related stuff to the reptile411 YouTube channel. This way there will be only one network for everything reptile. I realize that I have been splitting viewers for the past 2 years, requiring a subscription to 2 different channels for those who enjoy the news and those who enjoy the other stuff. I am happy to say now that the reptile411 channel will be a one stop shop now for everything reptile. If you have any comments or concerns please post them below. I think this in the long run will be a welcome change for everyone all be it not everyone will like it at first.
Shocking, tragic, unbelievable.
Its no secret now that last night Whitney Huston died, as of yet the cause is not determined but I think about 90% of the world is expecting some sort of OD story once the autopsy is done. Watching the news this morning this is all that is being talked about. My first question is why is it so shocking and or tragic when a person with drug problems passes away? Ok maybe at a personal level it is tragic but unbelievable? I think not. It happens every day to hundreds if not thousands of people all over America and the world. It really makes me sit back and think, I wander why celebrities are held to such a higher regard than everyone ells. I mean look at some of the great stuff going on right now, do you think that normal people doing great stuff will ever get a several hour spot on CNN or HLN or anywhere ells for that matter. Don’t get me wrong, death is always unfortunate but it is an inevitable part of life, there is only one sure bet in this world today and that is death, it happens, Unfortunately for people with substance abuse problems it comes early.