One of the things that scares me about this Python ban that has gone through and any other snake bans is that today we talk about men that were keeping illegal snakes in Florida, I mean sure they are douches but I am in fear that if these regulations continue to pound our community in the back side that eventually I am going to be stuck talking about a good friend or 2 on DRN.
Ned Bruha The Skunk Whisperer
Ned Bruha sits down in the Reptile Living Room to talk about rattlesnake round-ups and tells us how we can take action against these barbaric acts that are occurring today. He also tells us the truth about the portrayal of reptiles in the media. Grab a beverage and prepare to get your Neducation folks!
Shawn Heflick of Python Hunters on the Python Ban
In this episode Shawn Heflick talks with us exclusively about the Python Ban and gives us the the bare bones reality of it just like he did in his first interview which you can catch here. For those of who watch reptile shows on television you should be aware of Shawn Heflick and the show on NatGeo Wild called Python Hunters. It’s the first show that I have ever seen that doesn’t promote the hype.
Reptile News: Victory in fight to save Rattle Snakes
Wander why the rest of the world looks at us funny?
Have you ever wandered why the rest of the world looks at us funny or wandered what they were thinking as they walked past with that blank stare? Well we may have just found out. In this short Friday night special I talk to you about a conversation I had recently with a friend of mine who is not in the reptile community but sees a lot that goes on it it via his dealings with me. You may be surprised.
DRN Shirts
ATTENTION: After exploring options as well as talking with the legal department for the supplier of the DRN shirts I have come to a conclusion that pains me. I will immediately discontinue sales on the affected shirts. I am sorry to report this news but in a community that is already so divided I down right refuse to bring legal action to someone ells in the same community. Business or not I do have morals and like to sleep at night. DRN will simply have to find another way to make ends meet. The reason for discontinuing sales is because of it being copied so many times already that I don’t want people thinking I am the one taking others ideas and profit for their hard work. Thank you to those of you who shared the link but please don’t share the “Save a Python, Ban a Congressman” shirt link anymore as it will no longer work for anyone clicking on it. Daily Reptile News has been offering these shirts for several months now, to my knowledge no one ells started offering them until AFTER the snake ban announcement on Tuesday. It is important to note that even fore the people recreating the idea without permission or so much as a thank you, DRN may not agree with everyone’s views but DOES support everyone in this hobby.