Today I heard some news that compelled me to type. Now please keep in mind I am not a writer, never claim to be and am the first to admit it but I feel this needs to be said.
I heard today of another YouTuber of our very own, in our community that is going to stop making reptile videos. This happens more than we know. Most of the time they don’t announce it but rather just disappear. It hurts me, like a small peace of ambition being taken away every time I see it happen. So many people devote their lives to educating, entertaining, sharing with others and go ignored for the most part.
Unfortunately I am not at liberty to say the name of our recent casualty as their intentions have not been released but do me a favor and take the time today to thank someone who for the most part for free shares their live and the AMAZING hobby that we share via YouTube. You never know. Your kind words may save our next victim.
It hurts me to see people give so much of their life, so much passion decide to leave. Several years ago I would call these people “quitters” and move on but now having walked in their shoes I see them more, somewhat soldiers who are fighting a losing battle and just can no longer march. This last one which prompted me to write and talk about this is a pretty heavy blow, someone I have been so use to seeing nearly every day of my existence since I started doing this so long ago. Today ladies and gentlemen I don’t loose an entertainer, today I lose a member of my family.
Now without further delay, I give you your news.